Bad Kids #4 is below! It’s cruel, and I wish it weren’t based on something real.
This one’s from a series. You can find Bad Kids #1 and #2 here and Bad Kids #3 here.
Be as good as you can,
* Reading on phone? Better on a web browser for proper line breaks!
Bad Kids #4
Rush and I told Duncan—who we called Donuts—
he couldn’t have pizza unless he took his shirt off outside
in the snow
and then we locked the door
We pushed our mouths out the crack of an open window
and told shivering Duncan that we also needed him to roll
before he could come back inside
“What?” he asked
“Roll,” we said
“You guys.”
“Roll! Roll! Roll!”
Duncan was our fat friend who we never let off the hook
and usually he laughed along
to get by
but when he got down on his belly and rocked
side-to-side in the snow
he cried
“No, Donuts,” we told him
“You’ve gotta roll
all the way around.”