I love getting film back well after the fact, especially from shows. An actual little treat. I had many rolls developed last week and picked 12 favorite shots to share.
Little Engines Issue Seven is out now. The new writing is dope, and the watercolors Aaron Burch made for each piece make excellent glue for the whole thing. More info below, then the pics!
Some standout lines inside Issue Seven:
From Mike Nagel’s “Notes from the Bluezone”:
For breakfast I make pre-cooked, microwavable bacon. You microwave it for five seconds.
For crispier bacon, the instructions say, microwave for seven seconds.
From Leslie Wilber’s “Moonlight at the Tiendita”:
She wasn’t yet sure what would bind their friendship. Perhaps it was a floss of agreement about the moon.
From Kevin Grauke’s “Doris the Florist”:
I don’t know where Doris gets all her flowers. I guess they’re driven in at night from far away, in trucks like big, wet gardens on wheels.
Vic Nogay’s poem in this issue is really short—19 words!—so I’m not gonna quote it, but believe me when I tell you that “To my husband” is a killer.
Here’s the the opening bit from my editor’s note:
This magazine was the softest thing about me until early Monday morning, when I watched my wife deliver our baby girl. It occurs to me that I could toughen things up around here a little, starting with a few observations after a year back with Little Engines.
See my grievances and read the new work. It’s short, like always. You can do the entire issue in 20 minutes. Print version coming later this summer.
Pics on Film
1. Deuce 2. Off Anguilla 3. Izzy 4. Towers 5. Tennessee Storm Trooper 6. Tolerance for Amateur Husband pt1 7. Tolerance for Amateur Husband pt2 8. Soft Bullets 9. Paperweight 10. Opening Night 11. Jack, Dijon, Ben 12. Justin, Dijon
Shot mostly with a Kyocera Slim-T point-and-shoot, a few with a chunky Nikon from the ‘90s.